30 March 2009


This was meant to be part of something else, a challenge to write a new illustrated short story everyday this week. It was less successful than hoped. It might resurface as that, but for now its a digital typeface.

Peter Serafinowicz

So I thought this week I would 'make graphic' a quote from his twitter feed each day. If you don't know who he is give him a google, he's a funny guy.





27 March 2009


Friday afternoons are for art class. So far I have been teaching repeating patterns and some of the children have done really well. I mounted them for display this week and they were looking nice. Now just to get used to being referred to Mr Barker. Actually that reminds me, I got asked how come there were no 'man teachers' today, which went some distance towards explaining why I get called Miss as often as Mr. I guess not all 7 year olds have fully grasped the concept of gender.

24 March 2009

Black and White

Messing around with Premiere and some old video clips found on an online archive. Nothing particularly substantial but got to do something with it.

17 March 2009

Shred Money

Here is a quick video of Bob Dylan talking about money made in Flash.

12 March 2009

Videos Presenting the SoLo Concept.

Here our concept videos, explaining how we saw the blocks as being a metaphor for both information and location. Also the kinds of moments that this technology can create.

Animation for Exhibition

Here is an animation that we put together to show how our proposed Nokia presentation stand could look. It was aimed at conveying the mood as well as how the event would work.