This project is born from a number of ideas. The first was a desire to work on my self made brief of exploring potential (see image below for full brief). It is also from a desire to better understand the design process; can it become something very strict and mechanically, with rigorously imposed deadlines and advancement points. I feel the typical response is to think of it as something very organic and "felt" but is this just a lazy attitude hidden behind the so very powerful notion of "creative process".
I was also thinking about design in the work environment, and how it seems that most design studios never manage to maintain consistent working hours, and if they would be more productive places if they did.
On a personal level, although I am often hard working, I have a tendency to give up as soon as things get hard, so I wanted to set a brief where that was simply not an option, and if I fail with an idea, I try something else.
So below there is also a schedule, I have built in an extra hour at lunch time to publish what I have discovered upto that point, so my day is technically 9-6, although the hour from 1 until 2 is to be considered as invisible. I will be as strict as possible with time keeping.
Any feedback on the schedule/ brief/ etc is welcome and if anyone wants to get involved either helping me, doing their own 9-5 using my brief or setting their own brief then please do come along. All the Wickham Road facilities are available for use, there is loads of space and the doors are open. (I might even provide lunch!) Ring, tweet, etc.

Schedule to come